We had a superb Christmas Dinner party. Attended by 36 of our members and
everyone happy. What more could we ask? Dinner, awards and a raffle - and
that was before the serious drinking started.
Well, here's some pictures to remind you of what went on.
The setting was superb. Many thanks to the Brittania Hotel,
Stockport for their organisation. Also thanks to Mandy for finding it.
Before we went into dinner, we had drinks and a chat.
And then Paul walked in. Note Jackie's expression - "I'm not with
him - honestly!!"
We soon trooped into the dining room and waited for the food.
Meanwhile, the raffle prize table was filling up.
Then the food arrived. Did it stop the flow of conversation? You
guess !!!
Mandy - "No, don't take my picture with glasses on." So I didn't.
Meanwhile, John was far too interested in dinner to worry about Judy
flirting with the cameraman.
Keith and Sam - very much together - until Keith shows his
true colours.
Then irt was time for the awards. Waiting around, and then the
chairman stands up.
For organising us all
“smile, it doesn’t really hurt” Mellor
The Safety award
“What, me, worry?” Westwell
The threepenny bit award
“I may not corner, but my bikes are very clean” Tesciuba
Embarrassing moments
around” Howe
Miserable Git award
“Barsteward” Ogden
Gluttony award
“What’s yours is mine” Fisher
Riding excellence
winners here
Riding excellence ????????
Shopping around award
Norma “bags-r-us” Brandon
Grin for England award
“smile for me” Kitchingman
Deserters brigade
“I’ve always wanted a Triumph” Ogden
Sore-Ass Pillion Award
“I’ll try anything once” Brown
Sore-Ass Award
“Mr. Perfect” Kennedy
Chairmans Cup
"always laughing" Musgrove
And more miscellaneous pictures.
No particular order - just people enjoying themselves.