The Manchester Honda

Owners Club

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Shopping (or not)

Our last real ride of this year (I don’t count the NEC one and the actual last one doesn’t count for the Sore-Ass awards). The weather man said it would be dry. What he disn’t say was that it would be freezing cold. Two degrees it was when I walked out to get the bike from the garage. Brrrrr. On with the thermals - on with the heated jacket - now, where’s my winter gloves?

After a brief breakfast (toast, hot choccie), I made my way to McDonalds to see who else braved the cold. There was one other bike there, but I didn’t recognise it, so I assumed he was a foolhardy brave out for a spin on his new Explorer. Rob arrived just after me and we wandered in to get warm. Who should we see but Keith. Ah, it must be HIS new bike. Sure enough, the big grin told us everything (including how much he owes Sam for letting him have it).

Over the next 20 minutes more people arrived until we ended up with 10 bikes and 1 pillion (well done Geri). As per normal we set out about 20 minutes late and shot off up the dual carriageway to begin our journey.

The temperature had crept up to a balmy 5 degrees by this time, so I wasn’t too worried about ice. But the ground was still fairly slippery so we kept to sensible speeds. The route was good if, at times, a bit narrow and we made good progress until we came across a wagon pulling a load of hay. This slowed us for about 5 minutes while it negotiated on-coming traffic, but it was soon out of the way and we proceeded over the hills (“I can see snow on the tops”) and down the dales till we got to Settle and our first brew stop. This was welcomed by all and we shot indoors for a warming cuppa and a cake (or, in Marks case, a full English breakfast).

Once that was over, we got togged up again and headed off for the last part of the trip. This was shorter than the first one, but still had some interesting back roads before we arrived at Botany Bay (the sun in our eyes for the last 20 minutes).

We disrobed and headed for the top floor and lunch. Which took it’s time coming and wasn’t that pleasant - not recommended. But we did meet up with Paul & Mandy (and children) which was nice.

Then, home to wash the salt off the bike and relax for the evening.