The Manchester Honda

Owners Club

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Ludlow Castle Invasion

Well, even by our normal high standards, this was an excellent ride. After a hurried breakfast (cornflakes, hot chocolate), I got the bikes out and fettled before we set off for the start point. Petrol? Oh yes, I think I can make it - which I did - JUST!

We topped the tanks up (yes, Norma graced us with her presence) and rode over to join the others. And there was a throng of bikers gathered around. Not one, not 5, not 10, but 15 bikes and 19 people. Which, for an August weekend, was fantastic. Of course, it included 3 members of the Chester branch - but that seems normal these days.

We stood around nattering while people came and went until it was time to go. As per normal MANHOC timings, we set off around 20 minutes late and shot off down the A49 heading for Ludlow. As we approached Whitchurch, the heavens opened and the rain came down in sheets, so we stopped off to put the waterproofs on. At this point, Roy decided that valour came a good second to a clean dry bike and decided to head for the Raven cafe until the rain stopped. Shame really, because we only suffered the rain for another 30 minutes or so.

We carried on down the A49 passing cars, trucks, tractors and traction engines (yes, we had one of those to contend with) until we approached Ludlow. By now it was approaching lunchtimeso, after a quick conflab over the radios, we pulled in to Ludlow Food Hall for refreshments. The sun had come out and it was scorching. It was very pleasant sitting out eating dinner (Yes, Judy - Dinner at lunchtime) and chatting to anyone who would listen. After that, we got some burgers for next weekends BBQ and carried on into Ludlow,where we met our past chairman, Colin and his lady Sandra. As he said “It’s my first ride with the club since the ‘60’s and I’m nto even on a bike. But it was very nice to see him anyway. We parked up, got some tickets for the bikes (1 ticket, 4 bikes, 1 bay - seems reasonable to me!) and walked over to the Castle.

A very enjoyable hour then ensued, wandering in and out, and up and down, taking pictures and marvelling at the stone work from the Norman Ages. Soon it was time to go, but not before we had sampled the local tea and scones.

Back on the bikes, we had a quick stop for petrol (really, it was only Dave’s CBX1000 which needed it, but we topped up anyway) and then headed off down some fantastic B roads across to Crewe (Richard, Peter - you missed a cracking ride) before we stopped for a final drink in a little pub. Then, more nice roads back to Poplar before we said our goodbyes and headed for home. So, an excellent days ride. No rain once we got clear of the first shower and really good company. Thank you all for a nice day out.