The Manchester Honda

Owners Club

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Welsh Slate Mine

This report is from Phil Kennedy. Spelling corrections have been made.

Dry but cloudy day, 9 bikes and 1 pillion.  10.35am off we go to Welsh Slate Mine, down the A49/A483 making excellent progress.  Good pace and then we had a temporary leader as Rob took over and the feeling was it was like watching Paint Dry or one person said "its like a rolling Road Block".  HOWEVER we stopped for fuel and i took the reins again (stop cheering boys, he tried !")


We got to betws y coed, had dinner then off for another stint round Wales.  This time Rob had to lead (sorry guys).  But i must say he is a good leader and very informative tail end. Cheers Rob.


Stopped for another brew at Erics Cafe, then off we went again taking in some excellent roads then back to Betws y coed for a wee stop.


Off home it was.


Rob and i got home at 10pm, COLD< WET and suffering from Hypothermia. WHO CARES!!!!

Update from Kevin (makes for interesting reading:

In addition to Phil’s report there was a couple of quite interesting but scary moments (omitted by Phil to protect my embarrassment)

Not long after leaving Betsw y Coed, while entering a left hand bend, my rear wheel locked up for no apparent reason, but after a very wobbly couple of hundred yards I managed to wrestle the bike to a halt, it then became apparent that the bike would not restart. It was then I noticed that the immobiliser had cut in. Hey ho unexpected but no harm done apart from tearing the sole from my left boot in the struggle.

Off we set again and all was well for the next 50 miles or so when on the way home it happened again by this time it was just after 6pm, but this time on a right hand bend and there was nowhere to go but into a very VERY muddy irrigation ditch.

After getting my nerves back together (as well as the parts that had left the bike) we attempted to release the bike from the mud without any success.

After almost a 2 hour wait in the welsh rain with Phil and Rob the recovery truck arrived and so ensued an episode of the three stooges to release the bike from 2 feet of smelly mud.

Leaving the other 2 guys to finish the ride home in the dark and rain (sorry guys) me, the bike and recovery truck finally arrived home to a very worried wife and a welcome hot shower.

Many thanks to Phil and Rob for staying with me, keeping me company and all the help with the recovery operation (there is no way I would have got home without you)

Pics as I received them.