The Manchester Honda

Owners Club

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Sunny times at Sudbury

After the storms and winds we have had this last week, I was not expecting too much of the great British weather. But, I was surprised and pleased to open the curtains to a nice bright day and looking almost like summer. Norma graciously decided to join the throng - so her bike came out too.

Breakfast over, on with the biking gear, including dark visor and we were ready for the off. The trip to Hyde was OK. By the time we got there, we found about 7 other bikes waiting for us. As the deadline for going arrived, another 2 turned up so we ended up with 11 bikes for the ride. A decent number.

Off we go - over Snake Pass and right by the Ladybower reservoir. The roads were mostly fine, but there were a few very wet patches (some where the road was actually flooded) so we kept to a sensible pace. Neil did tell me afterwards that he had a few “moments”, but no incidents and we all arrived at Sudbury Hall safely.

Now, Sudbury Hall is where Norma and I got married nearly 10 years ago so we really wanted to see the place again. Once we had all eaten and everyone else  laid out on the grass sunbathing, we slipped away to wander around the all and remember the day all over again - nice (if a little sentimental for bikers).

But soon it was time to head off for the next part of the journey. We found some nice back roads across the middle of England. No issues, just a nice pace where we could and a slow one when we got held up. Malcolm had a “moment” with a tractor (Malcolm, you must remember that if a car is coming towards you, the chances are, the road is NOT a dual carriageway). After about an hour, we wanted a tea stop so arrived at the Raven cafe, only to find it had been shut for 20 minutes. So, we carried on to the Shire Horse cafe where large amounts of cake were consumed by a few of us.

The last part of the journey was just up the A49 and on our separate ways home. As we passed Bury, the heavens opened and it got very wet for about 5 minutes, but then the roads dried up and, as I write this, it’s a very pleasant evening.

A lovely day out - and thanks to all who turned up. Have a look at the slide show below to give yourself some memories.