The Manchester Honda

Owners Club

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Wroxeter - Third time lucky

So, for the third time of asking, we attempt to get to the Roman City of Wroxeter. The first two attempts were thwarted by bad weather and apathy - would this be any better?

The day started well - wonderfully blue skies and plenty of sun - if a trifle cold (4c when we set off for the meeting point). So, Norma and I got the gear together, got the picnic stuff sorted (home made steak & kidney pie from last night plus other stuff) and set off to meet everyone else. After filling up (HOW MUCH????) we joined the others for a chat before we set off.

This time, we had 15 bikes - so, no messing about - we were going! The route down was fast and flowing and we made good time down the A49/A41. We passed the Raven Cafe where something was going on, there must have been about 2,000 bikes huddled in the various car parks. But, no time to stop - we had a destiny to meet.

Soon we got the the car park and abandoned the bikes in various locations. Once that was done, one of the organisers came out and said we could have used the coach park. Oh well, never mind. Most of us wandered inside (some didn’t bother - or needed a cigarette) and sat at a nice table in the sunshine to eat our lunch. Very pleasant. After which we enjoyed looking at the Roman remains and listening to the canned lessons on the recorders we had been given.

This went on for about an hour, after which we all got a bit restless (and cold) so, back onto the bikes to start the journey back. Roy decided to find out what was up at Raven and left us - Peter also decided that he’d shoot back - so 12 bikes for the homeward journey.

The ride back was excellent - mostly. Our dear old sat-nav did give us an interesting short cut to the main road and was about to do the same at another junction before I turned it off and decided to just carry on and see where we got to.

In the meantime, there was plenty of banter over the radios. Geoff tried singing, but luckily for us his radio wasn’t too powerful. We did discuss stopping at a cafe and the Shire Horse cafe was mentioned. When I found it, I pulled over. Which surprised the bikes behind me. But we all managed to line up OK and we headed in for our final stop of the day. Once tea and cakes had been consumed, we all disappeared back to our various destinations.