The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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A cold Ad-Hoc ride

Possibly the last nice day of 2013 - so we had to have a little ride. Having just done a 7.2 mile walk the day before, I was ready for a sit down while enjoying the scenery - much more civilised.

We all agreed to meet up at the McDonalds at Hyde. By the time we were ready to go, there were 7 bikes and 2 pillions. Not bad for a late December. But before we could go, there was the wiring to do - yes, Julie had a heated jacket to try out and this was the perfect opportunity. So, off with the seat and on with the wires. It was soon done (including dropping the battery nut) and we were off.

Over hills and down dales; the roads were fine and the traffic light. I did keep a lookout for bad weather but blue skies were the order of the day, so no issues there. We went over Snake Pass and then left over some nice (and not so nice) back roads to pick up the A616 before heading off to Holmfirth. Just the other side, the cry came over the radio “Paul needs petrol”. Oh Great!. But as we went through Meltham, there was a Morrisons, so we all pulled in and waited for the thirsty Blackbird to be refuelled. And off we went again - for about 2 miles. “Paul has stopped”. “Why?” “His centre stand is catching in the chain” “And he’s only just noticed?”

After about 10 minutes, Paul set off again and we did the last (cold) 5 miles to the pub. Straight in and ordered food. Which should have been good. But I think they forgot me (and the other Paul) and it took about 40 minutes to serve us our underdone meals. So, I can’t recommend the Great Western Inn for food - although the other table seemed to enjoy theirs. Julie was extolling the virtues of heated jackets (“It’s what I’ve been missing all these years”) while I was bemoaning the fact that I needed to fix the controller on mine.

The last part was a quick zoom over the hills and back home. Bike was washed and put away and at last, I was warm.

Thanks to Paul & Julie, Geoff & Lyn, Phil, Paul, Mark and Keith for joining me on a great days ride.

See you for 2014 rides.