The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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RAF Cosford

Short report: We went out in the sunshine and came back in the rain but still had a good time.

Long report:

I woke up to grey skies but with the potential of a nice day. So, on with the waterproofs (just in case) and off to Poplar to see who else turned up. As I got into the services the clouds broke and the sun shone through. Lovely.

We chatted for a while as more people turned up until we had 11 bikes ready to go. Then Keith and Josh turned up so it was 12. A good number for a decent run especially on the roads that Bob had mapped out. So, off we went and zoomed down back roads (missing the odd turning but I think I was the only one to notice) until we arrived at RAF Cosford almost exactly 2 hours after we started.

A bite to eat was called for, so we did - followed by a wander around the museum, which I found very interesting. “Meet up at 2pm” was Bobs instructions. So, promptly at 2:30, Tony and Alan wandered out wondering what all the fuss was from the others. Of course, it had to be their bikes which blocked the others in…

But we were soon on our way and, after a quick petrol stop, had a great run over some twisty roads up to Ponderosa. It was here that the weather decided to turn worse. A drizzle when we went in for a cuppa and a downpour when we set off for the last leg. But were we downhearted? Of course not - we are MANHOC!!!! We got back to Poplar after a wet ride and then all made our way home to dry out.

Some pictures to keep you amused: