The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

About us About us

Jodrell Bank and Beyond

It was all my fault - I asked for volunteer leaders. And what did we end up with? A Kawasaki leading a Honda Owners Club ride. Oh well, it could have been worse - it might have been a Harley !!!

Anyway, on with the report. Our first ride of 2013 - and what a cracker. Although it was really foggy in Rochdale, by the time I got to Poplar Services (our starting point), it was clear and (for winter) quite warm. We chatted while people turned up until we left when we had 19 bikes and 5 pillions - which is pretty good for this time of year. However we soon lost Dave as his 400-4 was not running right so he diverted to home to pick up his VFR and met us at Jodrell Bank.

We set off with Phils detailed instructions (as dictated by Gary) taped to his tank bag as follows:

All was going well as we sped down the A49 (a wonderful road) and onto the A51. I began to detect signs of panic in his voice (we have radios so we can speak to each other) as we headed down the country roads - “Where’s the signs to Middlewich?” Oops - we might be a bit lost if we are not careful. So, both Malcolm and I programmed our sat-navs to show the way and radioed instructions to Phil as we were heading down the road - talk about leading from the back…..

We eventually arrived at Jodrell Bank where we all stopped for tea and some refreshments. Colin and his wife met us there, which was nice. Of course, the cafe was full inside, but there were tables and chairs outside, so we went there. The food and drink did take a while to arrive but was very nice when it did turn up, if a little expensive. Once again, chat and much merriment ensued.

Then on to our next destination. “Let’s go to the Cat & Fiddle” says Phil. We agreed and set off. It was a real shame that Phil turned right instead of left at the first junction - which meant we were going South instead of North. But we soon regrouped and decided that the J&S cafe in Northwich was just as good a destination and headed there instead. Which was good because Phil found us some cracking roads and we had a really good time getting there.

Once again tea and refreshments were the order of the day until it was time to say goodbye and we all headed home.

It was a great start to this years rides and let’s hope the rest are equally as good. Thanks to all who came along.

Of course, we have some pictures to show you.

Photo Link