The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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Mother Shiptons Cave

After the horrible spring weather so far, I was not expecting anything good this weekend. But I was pleasantly surprised. Saturday was excellent and Sunday dawned with bright sunshine (I woke up a 7am for some reason). So, on with the leathers (with longjohns underneath, just in case) and off to the start point to see who would turn up.

I arrived to find 4 bikes already there and, by the time we set off, there were about 16 bikes and 3 pillions. I knew we would do better as we were picking up some more at the Rising Bridge (on the route). Sure enough, we ended up with 21 bikes and 4 pillions, which I think is excellent for this time of year.

The start went OK and we shot off up the motorway and off it. But within about 2 miles I’d missed the turning I wanted and it seemed a bit much to turn around so soon - so we carried on and hit the M66 further down than I wanted. But not to worry, we were soon back on track and heading off up the back roads via Barnoldswick to the Caves. Only one more slight detour, which wasn’t my fault as there had been an accident. We headed over the hills and into the snow laden fields (4 degrees at one point) and then down to Pateley Bridge and on into the wilds of Yorkshire.

We arrived and, once Judy had negotiated our discount (well done!!!), we trooped into the cafe to get some lunch. Which was ages in arriving, but very nice when it did finally turn up. Then, a look around the caves and museum before heading off for the next part of the ride.

This second section was great. It was on roads I hadn’t done before (in the main) and they were cracking - apart from the odd snowdrift and salt. But we made good progress until we lost 3 people when the marker decided to leave his post early. Oops. We waited around and eventually our back marker (Malcolm) phoned me to say he’d been following a Pan to get him to turn round, but couldn’t get past him. It turns out that bike wasn’t with us at all.

We then all carried on into Skipton (more great roads) where tea was taken before we all split up to go home. I managed to find yet another good road from Skipton to Colne so was really happy.

A great day out and thanks to everyone who turned up. Pictures below.