The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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A damp ride into Wales

This report from Bob - many thanks.

Twas the 1st of December, weather looking okay when I peeked through the curtains, dispelling any doubts about not going despite the word 'December', roads looked dryish too, can't be bad. On with the cold weather gear, once 'indicated' tasks indoors were completed, at out comes the 'R' after a lengthy lay off. A quick dash up the motorway and into Poplar 2000 to find Mark already in place and inspecting a further 2 Hondas in the car park. Turned out to be a couple of 'Blue Knights' passing through. Coffee time and a patient wait to see who else was going to brave the 1st of December. Along comes Dave and Matt, CBX and VFR, Tommy, CB600F, Mark on his trusty CBF1000 and Malc and Val on the bus.


After a bit of refreshment and agreement on a plan, once we discovered that no one had radios, we set off heading for the A49 and Tarporley. The dark clouds started to appear and a light drizzle started to dampen the roads, keeping us all in check. It was still a good run and a good pace with Malc and Val shepherding at the back. Turned right twice and headed toward Wrexham on the A534, roads still relatively quiet and remarkably managed to keep everyone together, raods a little greasy by now and few riders trying out the 'Tokyo Drift'. The drizzle lasted most of the way to the Ponderosa and we were welcomed by low lying cloud, i.e. we were above the murk. The usual standard of hospitality was enjoyed and many faces were filled. There were still the hardy walkers out and about and we did not quite outnumber all the other bikes there.


Back on the road again, short trip down to Llangollen and followed the A539 toward Whitchurch, the weather started to clear a bit and dry roads were found.......FAB! At this point we took a little detour to make best use of the dry roads and turned right in Overton, heading down to Ellesmere, a fine dash was had. Turned left and headed back toward Whitchurch, another good road and another enjoyable blast. Next stop was Whitchurch for fuel, a couple of guys, Dave and Matt, missed everyone turning into the fuel station but realised the error at the next roundabout and returned okay. Always remember, the more cylinders you have the more you drink! With trusty steeds suitably refreshed, we headed back to Poplar by way of Nantwich, Middlewich, Holmes Chapel and the A50 to Knutsford where everyone started to peel off for home.


Despite the little bit of drizzle the day turned out to be well worth getting out of bed for, a good winter's day ride. Thanks to everyone that made the effort to get out and spend some considerable time cleaning the extensive filth off their steeds once home! Roll on Saturday night and the Christmas party!

And some pictures from Dave Morris - thanks Dave.