The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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Fish & Chips beckons

The last official ride of the year - and what a little beauty it turned out to be.

It wasn’t an early start - 11am at the services. The forecast was OK if a little chilly and proved to be correct. I got there a bit early and was the first one. Keith soon turned up and was quickly followed by another 4 bikes (and Julie as the only pillion). After a brief coffee break we all agreed that ending up at the fish restaurant was the best option. Sorted…..

So, I loaded up my prepared route, we quickly exited past the no entry sign and we were on our way. The roads were quite quiet and we made excellent progress. My satnav only tried to take us up one dead end, so we got to our first stop in good time and, once Keith had sorted his bike out (a Triumph and a bit fell off), all piled into the restaurant for some well deserved grub.

Once that was out of the way, Keith decided he needed to nip to the M&S outlet nearby and get Sam some pajamas (except we know Keith and we understand that frilly knickers are involved somewhere!!!). The rest of us wanted a bit more of a ride. Julie said she knew a nice back road out of Colne, so Paul was designated our new leader and off we set - straight to the nearest petrol station (after a small U turn). A good start to leadering!!!

But that was soon forgotten as we headed out of the town and over some twisty roads to outstanding views. It was a fantastic route and we will do it again.

The final part was back to my place for a cuppa and then (for the rest) home before the cold weather really bit. I did just manage to clean my bike before the hail came down.

So, thanks to Gary, Phil, Dave, Keith, Paul & Julie for a  really good pootle around Lancashire. Here’s a few pics of the day (not many - it was too cold…)