The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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Southport - Last of 2012

I thought I’d include the last ride of 2012 as the first report of the 2013 web site.

This was a short ride just to build ourselves up for Christmas. And, as luck has it, the weather was as good as it gets for a December. I started off from my house in a sunny 2c day and, by the time I got to Birch Services, it was a balmy 7c - what more could anyone ask for.

People arrived in dribs and drabs - Keith and Josh to start with, ending with John, who just made it out of bed in time. A total of 8 bikes and 2 pillions - not bad for December. We welcomed new members Paul and Julia on their CB500 and eventually set of in normal Manhoc fashion - 12 minutes late.

The ride over to Southport was uneventful - just a quick stop to clean the visors half way there. We arrived at around 12:40, although my Sat-Nav insisted we still had 12 miles to go, to meet up with the Chester HOC branch for a fish and chip lunch. Much merriment ensued, food was enjoyed, but it was soon time to go.

The journey back was “interesting”. Our dear old sat-nav took us along a small goat track (called “Moor Lane” if anyone needs to avoid it) out of Southport and towards Ormskirk - possibly the worst maintained “road” I have ever seen. But we all survived and, once back onto normal roads, made good progress to Botany Bay where a tea stop awaited. Once we got there, we realised how late and cold it had got so quickly made our way home.

And, of course, a few pictures for people to remember.
