The Manchester Honda

Owners Club 2013

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Off to see the lizards

For most people, the first ride for 6 weeks (due to apathy on the last ride). And what a cracking day it turned out to be. It started with the weather; I can’t remember the last time we had such a good weekend. Clear blue skies and the temperature almost (but not quite) too hot for riding.

So, come 9:15, Norma and I set off for Birch Services to see how many would turn up today. We arrived to find a small horde of bikers (or is it a gaggle?) And more arrived after we turned up. Bu the time we set off (the obligatory 10 minutes late), we had 17 bikes and 4 pillions for the ride over to Woodside Falconry.

We were fine until the first LH turn. 16 of us made it - one went straight on and we never saw him again. “Come back Frank !!!” But we carried on for a while until… “Paul has stopped” over the radio. Oh dear, his gear lever had fallen off. It’s amazing how a little thing like that can cause a 30 minute delay. But eventually, the gear lever was found and put back on and we carried on over the moors and onto the M1-M18 to a suitable Mcdonalds for a well earned rest.

We stayed here for a while consuming drinks and ice lollies (thanks to Norma who went across to Morrisons to get some) and then carried on over really good roads (apart from one missed turn which took us through somebody's stately home) until we arrived at the Falconry centre at about 1:30. So, we’d missed the pig racing (12:30) but we did enjoy the reptiles and the animal antics. We ambled around, eating, drinking and soaking up the atmosphere (did I tell you it was hot and sunny?) Until about 4pm when we decided to ride home.

It has to be said that the route back was not as good as the one out - but still quite pleasant apart from a 20 mile ride beind a French juggernaut (who allows them on our back roads?). At one point, my Sat-Nav decided it had had enough so we had Gary leading with his inbuilt sense for the right direction - thanks, Gary, we would have got lost otherwise.

We stopped on the way back for drinks at a pub (and I got a complaint that it wasn’t a real ale pub!!!!) And by 7pm were back at Hyde where we said our farewells to those who were living the life by having supper at McDonalds. Then home to a BBQ and writing up this report.

Pictures below: