ManHoc Christmas Bash


We all gathered in the bar of the Alma Lodge Hotel, Davenport, on the outskirts of Stockport somewhere between 7.00 and 7.30pm and eventually made our way into a dining room where we consumed our previously chosen meals and some drinks.

Once the tables had been cleared, Alan, (Sharkey), held a brief AGM in which Alan was once again confirmed as Chairman, Steve Davenport as Secretary, me as WebMaster, with Gary Fisher appointed to the role of Rides Co-ordinator, and Julie-Ann Kirkham elected as Social Secretary to replace Judy Mellor who has decided to stand down after doing a sterling job over the years, and I'm sure everybody would like to thank her for the time and effort she has put in during her tenure.

Once the AGM was concluded, Alan then moved on to the 'Hondarable Mentions' in which people are given awards for things that they have done over the year that could be deemed to have a humourous touch to them. As well as these, the winners of the Sore-Ass Points were given their awards for covering the most miles in the year, with the Pillion Sore-Ass award going to Julie-Ann Kirkham and the Riders Sore-Ass award going to me - read it and weep Mr Kennedy!!!!! Smiley

Once all the awards were dished out it was time for the raffle and Lyn did a tremendous job of firstly giving out the tickets before the meal and then yelling out the numbers when they were drawn, and there was a lot of prizes on offer, some more spectacular than others! (Mandy won some bike boots, but who won the C90 cassette tape?). After the raffle people either headed for home or the bar to continue their drinking and merry making.

As you can see from the photos, it appeared that a good night was had by all and next year's do should be eagerly anticipated.



Rob's Report