
A day out to Ironbridge.

“A day of slight misfortune for the leader homeward-bound, but the followers were determined not to lose sight of “his bright red top box” and continued regardless”.

The weather forecast had been bad as the weekend approached, but there was hope with Saturday night’s being better. But, it could not have been more superb, and the trip saw no rain, and sun (sometimes up to 20 degrees) and dry roads for the day - though we could see rain over the hills, and fortunately it never came our way.

From Poplar 2000 (with 15 bikes and 3 pillions departing spot on time!) the route went down the fast A50 road through Knutsford, and right into Middlewich. Continuing to Nantwich to the fantastic “biker’s road", the A51 to Stone. Then to Telford and arriving shortly at Ironbridge. (He forgot to mention the quick look at a new housing estate under construction - Rob).

Donning "shades” it was time to be fed and watered Manhoc style - down to the “chippy” or into the pub to feed our hungry stomachs. Spot on time at 2.15pm (wow again!) we left homeward by the back way to Shrewsbury, up the A5 to pickup another gorgeous “bikers road”, the B4396, into the Welsh Hills.

It was therein I had my “anti-Matilda” moment, that within the narrow tiny white roads of Wales, my Sat-Nav showed a left turn and showed a circular route – good fortune with hope, was this time was on my side!!! (You cannot guarantee compatibility with a route transcribed on a different version of MapSource - as this had been loaded by Garmin repair service, and was only returned the day before, so I had no time to reload things correctly).

Thinking quickly, - I would complete the circle, and then head north and nobody behind would know!! However not to be - as we had passed 2 walkers first time round, amazed to see so many bikes on this narrow route, and then 10 minutes later having done the circular route, we passed them again!!!

It was at this time I had a call on the radio from Phil, who said ‘your name is mud when we stop again’! I replied: “I’m not going to stop – I’m on my way to Southport!!! However, once out of the tiny Welsh roads and half way home, we stopped at a welcoming pub for drinks and cakes as usual. Happily I wasn’t “strung up”!

The day was finally complete, when we arrived at Poplar 2000, and the majority stayed for milk shakes and more food.

Another great Manhoc ride and thanks to all. Special thanks also to Simon Allen, our new member and his first completed ride out, Phil Kennedy (from Cadhoc) for being my back marker, and Richard Holmes and Julie-Ann Kirkham for the day's photos.

Malcolm Lunn


Malcolm's Report