Longnor Area



Being the first time I’ve lead a rideout, I arrived early at Mac D’s . Sat there for a while and started to think no-one’s coming. It was drizzling, cold and the Bike Show was on in Manchester. After a little while Kevin on his Pan arrived and we went in for a coffee. Shortly after, Bob and Tiger Alan arrived followed by Phil and Nicola and Malcolm and finally Mark. 7 bikes and 1 pillion.

After more coffee, we set off. My sat-nav was behaving itself and we made good progress round the Longendale reservoirs. By this time the sun had come out and followed us for the rest of the day. The route tooks us through Charlesworth and over Monks Road, Chunal, then Hayfield, Chapel and along Rushup Edge. Then a sharp left through the Edale valley. Progress was slowed because of all the Bradley Wiggins lookalikes in their lycra wobbling along.

Once past Hope it was onto Ashford then Bakewell and Cromford with an intended loo break at Carsington Water (apt name). Most of us were in need of the facilities, it must have been the cold! The plan was thwarted because the local constabulary had blocked off the road to Carsington. A detour took us towards Belper, and things were getting desperate so a stop at the first opportunity, the aptly named Hurt Hotel at Ambergate. We stayed for another coffee courtesy of Mark. It’s not often we can sip coffee sat on leather Chesterfields settees and armchairs.

Off again, but this time my sat-nav had thrown a wobbler and wouldn’t work.  We headed for Ashbourne and stopped for the obligatory fish and chips and tea at the Market Place Chippy. Once suitably fed and watered we were off on the 2nd half of the ride. I spent several minutes trying to get my sat-nav working again but with no success.

I’d only done the route once before but decided to carry on from memory. Luckily my Alzheimer’s isn’t that bad, so off we went via Tissington, and some great roads over the moors through Hartington, Longnor, past the Winking Man pub and over Tittesworth Reservoir down to the Congleton/ Macc road. By this time my memory of the route was getting a bit ragged, so after a quick conflab with Bob, headed back towards Macc. Once in Macc the ride fizzled out with people going their own way home.

I enjoyed the experience and will try it again but only after getting a new sat-nav and a radio.

All in all a great day, good company, great roads, good grub and the sun! What more can you ask for on any given Sunday?

David's Report