
The morning finds us at McDonalds Haslingden, it’s a bit chilly but the rain has held off so far, not a bad turn out considering the forecast, 8 bikes with 3 pillions.

It’s 10.10 and we’re off! It would have been 10.00 but Geoff had to get in that sausage and egg McMuffin!

I’d decided to go through Fence as I’d not been that way for ages, but it turns out it was longer than I remember as I took a wrong turn and ended up going the wrong way. No harm done, and it wouldn’t be a ManHoc ride if we didn’t get lost at least once!!

We had a good ride out to Masham over some good quick roads and fortunately it was still dry. What do the weather forecasters know? The only cause for concern was the large section of the population of Yorkshire had decided to take up cycling. Well, the Tour de France was on its way I suppose.

We arrived at the Black Sheep Brewery for 12.00, so time for a spot of lunch and plenty partook, while I pondered where to go from there. There was only one choice really! Lunch over so off we head for Hawes. If you have never been over that way the road from Masham to Hawes is a must! The road is just great for biking and the scenery is some of the best in Yorkshire, even if it does go past in a flash.

We made a quick stop along the way to check out one of the props from the movie “Gladiator”, though how it ended up behind a pub in Yorkshire is one of life’s great mysterys. Answers on a post card please! Unfortunately it has been left to the elements and is not as impressive as the first time I happened across it.

Hawes was packed and parking was at a premium which meant we had to resort to parking at the Wenslydale Creamery. Shame! For some that meant more lunch, and for the rest of us, cheese tasting. I think that it’s fair to say Rob and I tried every single sample on offer, some more than once and some a few times more, though we did make purchases so I guess that’s ok.

Back to the bikes and as it was only mid-afternoon we set off for Settle for a brew. You have to give it to Yorkshire, they do have some excellent roads and not so many pot-holes. Anyone know where the term “pot-hole” comes from? Again, answers on a post card or ask me at the next meeting. (I know, I was there when Julie told us – Rob).

By this time I was so sorry I had not worn my leathers as the weather had been good all day and I was cooking in Cordura.

From Settle we decided that we would head for home and peel off where it suited best. The bike was home washed and drying in the sun while I had a few cold ones in the garden. A cracking day out with good company and good roads, not one donkey track or one with grass growing in the middle, so it can be done lol. Hope to see you again on a ManHoc ride out near you soon.

Stephen Davenport



Steve's Report