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Manhoc AGM Thursday night 2nd January 2025
Together with club night, the Manhoc AGM will be held at the John Gilbert, Worsley, starting at 8pm sharp. All are welcome.
This, is where you can elect your Chairman and Secretary, and express your views and suggestions, for all the new year’s riding.
Final date for receiving Nominations for Chairman and Secretary is 19th December 2024. To be an eligible candidate you must be a fully paid up HOC member. You will require a nomination and a second, again from paid-up members. Voting will take place on the night from only fully paid-up members.
I look forward to receiving complete nominations for the posts and would be pleased if you could address them to me at Manchester@hoc.org.uk by the 19th December, 2024.
Looking forward to a busy, fun, “noisy” and successful meeting, as last year.
See you all there.
Manhoc club sec (and hopefully for next year!)