On the 8th December the intrepid amongst us decided to brave to sub zero temperatures and ride down to Denby in Derbyshire. 7
bikers and one passenger assembled at 10:30 as planned - Gary, Gary, Ian and Kim, Jean, Malcolm, Norma and myself. We set off down to Buxton
- it was really windy, Jean and Malcolm decided that discretion was the better part and retired to the pub.
The rest of us continued down to Matlock bikes where a welcome drink was found. Still bleedin' cold.....
We finally got to Denby (via Derby - one of Gary's better diversions) where we found the cafe overcrowded due to 5 coach loads of
tourists. This is us outside the cafe:
So, after a quick shop for some glasses we made our way back. Gary had his blinkers on and we only managed to catch him at the third pub
en-route. But it was a good one and the Sunday roast dinner was very very necessary (and good). As you can see from the empty plates.
By this time, it was about 3:00 - so we decided to come back via Chatsworth. A very pretty route home and we finally got back around
A good day - although the weather was really cold (I saw -1 on the gauge), the roads were dry and the traffic light.