
Pancake run
Paddling run
Toy Run 2002
Denby 2002
Xmas dinner

As we finish our rideouts, we will post reports here.

G-Mex show.

The weekend of the 6th January was the G-Mex show. ManHoc had a stand ably assisted by the 3 Shires club and three HOC committee members. Over the weekend, we got loads of interest, signed up 30 new members and generally had a great deal of fun. So much so, that we have booked for next year already.

Here are some pictures of verious parts involving HOC members.
Setting up the stand. Thats Debbie and John working, Steve looking at the regalia and Chris adding posters. Dscf0803a.jpg (334618 bytes)
The stand at work. John & Debbie wondering if they have enough stuff to sell. Dscf0810a.jpg (365331 bytes)
Rossi's Y2K bike was here, so we had to sit on it. This is Steve Dscf0812a.jpg (370112 bytes)
And this is me having a go. Dscf0814a.jpg (355611 bytes)


First RideOut of 2002 (Jan 27th)

Well, what a turn out. I arrived at the start to find more bikes than we had on all runs last year. We counted 26 or 27 bikes., including 11 VFR's of various vintages, 3 Blackbirds and a few 'interlopers' on non-Honda machines. Stunned wasn't the word for it. Amazing.

The weather was OK to start with. We set off having briefed a few people on the 'buddy system (for a description of this, see and go to Rideouts and then Riding tips). Not being used to riding with so many, it was a bit confusing to start with, but we soon got the hang of it. Norma (my SO) stayed at the back and I went near the front. We had communication and if she saw anyone with problems, she called me and we discussed what to do. The only real incident came when we lost one member at a roundabout. We never dod see him again, although 4 of us waited for ages.

Got to the pub just as the heavens opened. But that was OK. Afterwards, some went on to Rivvy Barn and some went home.

Some pictures, courtesy of Gary (my camera had operator error and the pictures were all out of focus).

The start of the run. Caption added by Gary - I counted 27. Dvc00045.jpg (63509 bytes)
We stopped half way to admire the view. These are a couple of pictures of the group (that's me in the second one near the front) Dvc00046.jpg (260839 bytes)Dvc00047.jpg (249521 bytes)