Paddling run


On the 4th August we set off for the annual paddling run to Skegness. We were promised a good turnout but as it happened we ended up with 4 bikes and 5 people, including John from the VFR owners club.

The weather started out crap but as we got nearer our destination, it cleared up and was hot and sunny for the rest of the day. Pictures here:

Of course, we got lost - Gary is trying to work out where we go
This is where we parked up - note the sunshine.
Since it was a sunny day (not that I'm rubbing it in), we just had to have an ice cream
On to the end of the pier where we could admire the sea and sun and sand. Many jokes were told, none of them repeatable.
On the way back, Gary bought some rock for his wife. He is holding it in his left hand ! I hope his wife enjoyed it.
And so to home - a last view of the sunshine before we depart.