

The 10th March (Mothers Day) dawns - yes, the weather isn't too bad. A bit windy but at least the snow has gone.

So, off we toddle to Birch Services to see who else has braved the winds and ignored their mothers. Not too many to be seen, but what is this - a brand new Gold Wing. Yes, Ian has fallen foul of the "large is better" creed and bought a shiny black beast. It looks gorgeous.  As you can see from the photo.

In the end we had 12 bikes turn up. Not a bad number considering the weather.

So, off we set - slowly and with many stops. Gary (our leader) eventually gets the message that we would like to 'make progress' and we zoom off through the wind and occasional rain till we get to Knott End cafe near Fleetwood. Here we stop for a while eating lunch and generally admiring the sea and sun from the inside of a warm building. Geoff and Lyn joined us here but we lost (he went home) a Fireblade - we think he got bored. So, we still had 12 bikes.

Some pictures from around the cafe

The troops noshing. The cafe food was very good.
Steve and Sue were so engrossed, they didn't see me taking the photos.
How about this for a dessert ? We have two club members (not here today) who would have enjoyed that one.
Once outside we all kitted up ready for the ride home.
Especially Paul  who had great fun fitting on his oversuit.


And so home for us. We had a superb ride back on the (now) dry country roads with the wind behind us. Once onto the M6, it was a case of "lean over and hope it doesn't hurt". Got home, cleaned the bikes and collapsed into a warm bath - ahh , lovely.