
Report from the ManHOC AGM 7th December 2023.

Manhoc 2023 AGM Minutes 7th December 2023
Held at the John Gilbert, Worsley at 8pm

Warm Welcome was given to all

1.The meeting was for all, but for any voting, the group was reminded that you must be an HOC paid-up member.

2. The register was passed around and signed by paid-up HOC members only

3. Apologies were received from Gary and Ruth Fisher, Alan Sharkey, Julie Crank, Geoff Crowther, Mark Attwell.

4. 2022 minutes, had been published on our web site and sent to HOC, and have now been approved by Phil.

5. Outgoing chairman Report – Phil confirmed that he has combined his report with the secretary report.

6. Secretary Report -

Another successful year has now passed and everybody has done a great job.  We now have an excellent foundation to spring forward to yet another year, and I thank Phil especially again for his push this last year.

The team has done well with Phil as chairman – Gary as ride coordinator - Juels as social secretary - Sue as press officer, and Rich and others on the photography team together with our latest video team, Rob and Stacey. And of course, not forgetting Al, our web master and Steve on our facebook page.

I can report that we continue to heavily advertise our club, and have regular ride adverts and reports on our upto date web site (many thanks Al), and facebook (many thanks Steve) and now various whats-app groups.  I have sent relevant copies to the main HOC site and we can be seen by everybody on the main national HOC site and the Golden Wing mag.

Phil and Steve and myself have attended the HOC meetings at Leicester to promote our club this year. Phil, for a couple of the meetings, when he even picked me up and drove me there to make sure we had attendance!

I can report again that Phil and Barry have organised mid-week rides in the evenings, - and these have been very successful.  They have had as many turnouts as the main Sunday rides. These short rides have included bike meets, pubs and evening bike shows, great if some do not want the longer all-day Sunday rides.

I can report that our excellent shepherd, Gary, continues to plan all the great Sunday rides, and puts all the details on the web with Al's assistance. Shortly we will have all our future rides for 2024 advertised on our web site and in the Golden Wing.
I believe that next year we are to have ride outs leaving a little earlier, to include more time to visit our destinations, like castles and stately homes.

I can report that our social sec Juels has now organised another fun Xmas party on the 15th of this month, and is always open to any other suggestions.

With regard to club holidays, I report that 9 of us went to the HOC nationals at Kent this year and we are looking forward to booking next year’s event at South Wales. We are presently awaiting details.

7. Club positions to be filled – Phil was thanked on behalf of everyone for his successful year as chairman and all wish him well in retirement. However, he is not disappearing, as he has promised that he will continue with his successful mid-week and add-hoc rides.

New Chairman - a nomination had been received for Steve Davenport, proposed by Geoff and Lyn Dutton and seconded Geoff and Kevin. Voting took place by the raising of hands of HOC paid-up members only and unanimously passed. Congratulations were given to our new chairman, Steve.

Secretary – the nomination for myself to continue with this post had been received, proposed by Juels and seconded by Sue. Voting by the raising of hands of HOC paid -up members only and unanimously passed. Congratulations were given to myself.

8 Any other business - the floor was now open and each person clockwise were asked they wished to say anything.

The soreass awards for the year, for the rider and pillion certificates were given. This was for those have done the most mileage over the year – the rider was myself covering 872miles, 2miles more than Juels with Rich not far behind. Pillion was Stacey, who covered a brilliant 513 miles.

Phil and Richard asked that our heading facebook pictures be up dated and to be updated regularly. Steve said he would attend to this and not show old photos.

Discussion took place regarding Club Regalia particularly a T shirt. Rob and Stacey said that they had experience in this matter by recently organising their scout group with such. They said they would investigate and report back with their suggestions.

9. Proposed date for next year’s AGM will be announced mid September.

Thanks was given for all for attending. 

Malc -hoc sec

Copy of minutes to be sent to Graham Seymour and Alan S to be put on our web site for all members to read.

Report from the HOC management meeting Sunday 23rd April 2023.

The meeting was attended by Steve, who also has the important role of representing the BMF and as chair of the National One Make Clubs at these meetings. He has kindly given his notes in order that the following report can be written.

1 The main topic of conversation was the considerable higher cost now, of producing the Golden Wing mag. It was decided that going forward the mag will be reduced to A5 in size and there would be 3 issues per year. Publication would be December, April and August. There would also be a poll to see if a paperless version may be possible in the future

2 The following caravans are available for the National Rally, 1 two bed @£194, 5 three bed @ £266, 2 four bed @ £291 The cut-off date is 9/5/23 and the HOC cannot reserve them after that at discounted prices. (note we have already some 10 of us booked already).

3 There are 15 places available for the HOC Xmas party.

4 It was reported that there is presently 1808 members and 243 joint members.

5 The National Rally regalia cut-off date for products sales is June 1st.

6 Kent who are organising the National said all things going well and are very busy.

6 Each club sec has to send a report reporting on the past months, which is read out at meeting at each meeting –

Manchester report for April HOC meeting 23 April 2023

Since our last meeting, we have continued to get on our bikes, and ride every 3rd/4th Sunday. We have also been able to include extra rideouts when the weather has been good, which include mid evening rides. Our Thursday fortnightly evening meeting continue and have included new members, who have joined in now with our rides.

Our main web site continues to be updated together with our club facebook page, and we have now a soreass award following the rides. We post news, and rides, route downloads and reports. We have also continue to send ride reports copies for the HOC web site.

We look forward to new year riding.

AGM 2022 minutes

The minutes from the 2022 AGM have been published. They are shown here.

Colin Maguire

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of one of our most special members, Colin Maguire. Colin passed away on Sunday after a recent, unexpected illness.

Colin was not only a very popular member of our branch, he was a founding member of the HOC, without his like we would not have the club we do today.

R.I.P Colin and thank you, you will be in our thoughts, prayers and memories for many years to come.

Funeral details:

His funeral is on the 9th January 2023 at 12:30. It will be held at Christchurch C of E Church, Losttock Road, Urmston, M41 0TD. All who knew him are welcome.

At the wishes of his family, please don't post these details on social media.

Well done, ManHOC

Rona Bell

In 2022, we said farewell to one of our favourite friends. Au Revoir, Rona, you will always be remembered and always in our hearts and minds.

The pictures on this page are a reminder and a tribute to the bubbly personality that was Rona.

You will be missed.