Ride Reports

Christmas Dinner - not a ride, but fun

Our Manhoc Christmas do on Saturday 17th December 2022 – Juels, our social secretary organised this again following the success of last year – held in the smart restaurant within her posh residential complex in Urmston, we consumed an excellent hearty meal washed down with the plentiful booze we had brought with us – followed by endless, useless chat, fun, the evening went on until just before midnight. Thanks again to Juels from everyone.


Route 59 café Rideout

– “Where are all the Sunday bikers”? as our Shepherd stated “they should just ignore a weather forecast”!  Destination for lunch was made for the biker’s café on the A59 near Bolton Abbey. The day before, the weather forecast was not good, but we were awoken to blue skies and sun on the day, and headed over the twisty moors from Rising Bridge to make lunch at the Route A59 café. The sun continued to shine, with great scenery, but we had to be careful on some of the leafy country roads as we headed north on more great roads in the Yorkshire Dales National Park and for more cakes and coffee at Hawes (not had an Eccles cake for ages)! Here the weather changed, and the sun was replaced with light rain with a temperature drop. We noted how quiet this famed bike place was – it was deserted - in fact we were the only bikes!!?? It was time to divert the proposed route and rode south to Devils bridge, for Rob had never been before!!!! Again, no bikes in this very damp place, and realized that we were getting quite soaked, and it was definitely time for home. A great manhoc day and was surprised how good the weather was until about 4pm on this November day. Thanks to all.


Leader the “Shepherd”, with photos, from Phil, Juels and Rich - thanks


And, just for your delight - one video (click play to see Richard being very agile).


ManHOC at the Ring of Red

Remembrance Day Rideout - 13th November 2022– making a Ring of Red around M60 – with 5986 bikers at Birch Services West. This meant that we had to queue for 15 mins on the slip road before we could even get parked at the services, an hour before the start!! The morning started with bacon butts and coffees at Greggs, Pilsworth, and then 10min ride onto the crowded service’s slip road.  With a staggered, noisy start from 1pm, the huge parade, donning red jumpers and flying the flags endeavoured to create a ring of red around the M60.  Well lead by Phil, there were many well-wishers from the pavements and from many of the bridges, waving back to us. The sun shone all day and it was a wonderful respectful day, with many old faces from the club joining our group. The day was complete with a final meet up at Mayfield Rugby Club, guided by our shepherd. The club, made us very welcome with a coffee and burgers for a fiver! - thanks for pics from Juels, Rich and Rob


Manhoc ride to K1 cafe Uttoxeter

A morning disaster waiting to happen !!! - departing from Poplar 2000 with a great turnout of 11 bikes, our shepherd leads us on the Cheshire countryside through Knutsford to Holmes Chapel on to Nantwich - then on to the fast A50 to Stone when the beautiful morning sun turned into an extremely heavy rainstorm. It was like driving through a car wash for some 30mins or more!! Some riders continued, some stopped to put on rain gear and others just lost our leader. Split groups finally arrived at the K1 cafe but we had lost 3 of the original bikers from our flock and most were well soaked. The rain finally stopped.  Well fed and a little bit drier, we continued on the return journey, simply back on the great moors via Leek and Ashbourne for final coffee and cakes at Pops. Forget the rain, it was another great ride especially on the return. - cheers.


Garyvant’s ride B roads Blast North

It was a welcoming crisp Autumn Day with bright sunshine and dry roads – a biker’s dream day. Leaving Rising Bridge at 10.30 am to take in the best B roads Lancashire and Yorkshire could offer - twists’ to Slaidburn, and onto Settle, then over to the tops, passing Ribblesdale viaduct winding onto Hawes, for lunch. Our shepherd then lead us further north to Nateby, a sharp right here, over onto the beautiful moor roads to Leyburn and a coffee pub stop, just before, at the Bridge inn at Grinton. This latter road and its vista were so awesome, that we had to slow down to appreciate what a great biking country we have on our doorstep.  From Leyburn, it was final twists and bends south to Skipton and onto the final coffee stop on A59 and then home. What a fab day with great company - it was one of the best.


Not Eric Jones café at Porthmadog


Regrettably at the last minute the ride route was cancelled after discovering it had closed some 2 years previously. But to the rescue came our shepherd to treat us to one of his “ Garyvan’s”.


How he knows such fab roads between those ears is amazing and there were new ones' today! From Pops this took us south down the A49, a mid-distance coffee stop, passed Ruthin, and best moor roads over the tops to Bala.


Here, Gary found a “corker” of a café called Yr Hwb Ltd, which is just on the fringe of the town, quiet, out of the way with unique buildings serving “Welsh Street Food”. A must to revisit LL23 7NW. It even had swings and slides and huge chairs for us to amuse ourselves.


From lunch our shepherd took us south over more fab moor roads towards Welshpool, left to Oswestry and coffees at the Knocking Stop Pub!! With the weather at a constant 19 degrees, sunny and dry roads, it was another great manhoc full day’s ride out.


Thanks to all - Malc


Rideout to Goathland


Sunday was the ride to Goathland which was the centre for the filming of TV series “Heartbeat”.


With an early start at 10am from Rising Bridge - a quick motorway dash to Colne, over the twisty moors, onto the great A59. We somehow missed our programmed stop at Thirsk, but found a new stopover further down the road at lovely Helmsley, with a market square full of bikes for morning coffee and cakes. It was onto North Yorkshire National Park to Goathland for a visit and lunch.


We took our Shepherd’s return north anticlockwise round the vast beautiful York moors, and onto a coffee and cake stop at Leyburn – then continued on the twisting country roads through the hills on our way onto Skipton and the A59 home. The weather was forecast was quite correct, with a high of 21degrees, sunny and dry roads. 


Another great ManHOC ride out and thanks to all, and Rich for the fab photos.


Cheers malc


Rideout to Diddly Squat Farm


I was very much looking forward to this ride, which did not disappoint, as it was one of the longer rides’ we do this year - 276 miles from Pops and back to Pops - along some great planned roads to and from Jeremy Clarkson’s Farm in the Cotswolds, by our Shepherd.


With an early start at 10am in bright warm sunshine, what I did not expect was, with welcome coffee and cake stops on the way, was a motorway crash in the evening on my way back to Southport on the M62 at junction 6.  This cost me well over an hour, and I arrived home at 10.30pm!!!


The route went down and back on some of the best biking roads, via Shrewsbury and back via Lichfield and Leek and, due to the fab hot dry roads, weather, the planned motorway coming back was a definite - “NO NO”.


His farm was as expected from his web site - full of visitors. There’s a drinks barn with a starting price of £8 for a soft drink and background music! A crowded like small shop selling silly things, T shirts at £35!. Apart from that, there was his “Lamborghini” tractor towing a passenger trailer around his open fields but no Jeremy!! But, we were with the “in crowd”.


Lastly, not to forget a warm greeting was given to Rob and Stacey Station, who we had not seen for some time, who joined us. Thanks to all for another great Manhoc “full” day’s ride.


Cheers malc with pics from Rich and Graham


The Shepherd's Southern Trek

I left home in Southport at 8.45 am to join the ride gang at Pops and return home at 8.45pm – 12 hours and 241 mls later! The trek, to visit as many bikers’ cafes south, as possible. We managed 7 stops – that’s 7 coffees and 7 pees. Unfortunately, we did not break Phil’s lead, of previous Trek ride outs north, where he managed 10! The weather was nearly as bad as forecasted the previous day, which must have put some people off, as the roads were quiet and dry and with the warm cloudy and sunny day - the temperature topped 20 degrees, and only a 5min rain shower. Gary found some new and exciting roads there and back and found the destination, the famous Crossgates bikers café in south mid Wales.  Thanks Gary, great company and another fab manhoc day out . Cheers - malc


Portmeirion Village

“The Prisoner” – Sunday’s ride met from 10 am for early coffee’s, with an aim to set off at 10.30. The route was as our web site, - down through Wrexham, with a café stop at Rhng estate, just after Corwen, and then over the tops from Bala, and onto to Portmeiron.   The village was fascinating, colourful, interesting and busy, with carnival singing from a folk group on centre stage.  There was also a Porsche car meet with their posh cars littered all over the place. Following an outside lunch, the return was through Bala, with a café stop at Ruthin, for last coffee and cakes. We had actually set off at 11am and it was 8pm when most would have arrived home. With a high of 18 degrees, beautiful sunny weather and glorious scenery and roads, it was actually quite an effort to head for home. - one of the best manhoc rides.





Last of the Summer Wine

From Birch Services, Sunday's ride was over the hills to Elephant and Castle in Holmfirth, where Beverley, the landlady, had our reservation for a visit, parking and pub lunch, The weather was sunny and dry and the ride continued, following a quick visit around the town. along the fab roads in the Peak District  and back to pops for last coffee and cakes, Not forgetting our interim pub stop on the way back before pops! -  no it was not a pub -  but a stopover and a exciting ride on a miniature railway by the Rudyard Lake and further ice creams at its station - lots of fun!



Mooch over the hills
What a good today was, set off in the direction of Chesterfield but nowt there so went to Matlock Bath, mega busy but the chippy in Cromford was fab, see Gary Fishers for more details.
After dinner we set off towards pops services via Sweatenham Arms pub for a coffee and a good Annalise of the days roads and riding.
6 bikes and a sunny day out

A Grand Day out to the Woolpack (The New Inn)


Some 18+ bikes set off from Rising Bridge - regular riders, old faces and welcome newbies.

The route there - A59 - was, basically fast flowing.  However, just after Gisburn  we endeavoured to pass another group of bikers. Confusion occurred, as they put in a left turn, bikes everywhere, but amazingly, we regrouped 10mins later and lost nobody!. However, they were not as lucky, for when we arrived at the New Inn, we had gained another rider - now 19+ bikes -  a very friendly guy with a very long beard tied with a red ribbon.

Following coffees, the group split and Barry and some of the others continued to the original Woodpack Pub, whist the majority stayed and we treated ourselves to a posh Sunday lunch. 

The original route back was discarded and we were treated to a Garyvant. Our Shepheard led us over some of the best Yorkshire moor biking roads and fab scenery.  This started with the country roads to Knaresborough, then over the tops to Pateley Bridge and onto a final stop for coffee and cake at a pub just after Grassington.

Thanks to Gary and everyone for a great day. Happy days.



Gary's Garyvant - 27th Feb

Fabulous ride today with the usual suspects and a couple not so usual 🤣  Bit chilly to start, then thawed nicely with a chilly blast to get you home that bit quicker. 15 Riders met at Maccy D’s Haslingden for a coffee and a bit of breakfast. Once fed and watered we headed off through Settle on into Hawes. Some of the group got food and others didn’t with the draw of the hot food van at Devils Bridge calling. Off we set only to be met with a sign being put in the food van of “sorry no hot food left” at this point I had a Madagascar moment where chairman Barry turned into a piece of steak and look good enough to eat. 🤣 cake and hot chocolate it was then. Gary did a great job of leading. The weather was perfect and the company was great as always.   thanks to Juels Kiki Suzuki for some additional pics x


And of course it could not end there, as our Shepherd would not go home and took Rich and Malc to Glasson Dock for final coffee and cakes. Fab day. 😀🙃😉

Ride to Raven Café - 9th Jan

First ride of they year - and yes, I was going to do it. I set off when the temperature was 2.5c and the rain was on and off. Got onto the M62 and it was more on than off, but as I swept around Manchester onto the M6, it started to clear up and warm up to a balmy 5c.

I arrived at 10:05, to find I wasn't the first one there. Gary, Richard, Paul and Barry had all beaten me to it. We must be keen.

After a quick chat in the cold, we retired to McDonalds to await any stragglers. After a coffee orchocolate drink (and a bacon sarny for Richard), Malcolm arrived and proceeded to spill my drink all over the table. But a lovely serving wench soon got us all clean again and we prepared to set off.

By this time, the sky was blue and it looked lovely. So, we shot off down the A50 to Knutsford and Holmes Chapel before turning off over the motorway to Nantwich and all points West to the A49. Once here we shot down to the Raven cafe where we parked up. The Raven (it's called something else now) was full so we walked next door to another one (Midway?) where there were plenty of tables. 4 big breakfasts and some other food later and we were replete. Never mind, a blast back up the A49 would wake us up nicely. So that's what we did.

The A49 was its usual accommodating self - not too much traffic and plenty of overtaking opportunities. Which we took. Then, back to Poplar 2000 services where Richdard offered us all drinks and cake if we'd go to Costa rather than McDonalds. Well, an offer not to be refused. After a drink and a nice chat I left to head off home. Once there, I cleaned all the salt and mud off the bike, ready for the next jaunt.

A great start to the new year - I look forward to future rides.

The Route we took

(click for a bigger image)